Register here for Healing Rooms

Our next Healing Rooms is open on Saturday April 12th 2025 

Future Healing Room Dates for 2025:

May 3rd, June 7th, July 5th, August 2nd, Sept 6th, Oct 4th, Nov 1st

We at Neuma Church, exist to glorify Jesus Christ through physical healing ministry.
The Healing Rooms is a ministry that is pursuing the Holy Spirit and His healing power. We are creating a place for Him to bring life, wholeness and love to those who are suffering from physical ailments. It is a place where passionate, joy-filled believers gather to host the presence of God and see Him bring complete restoration and healing.

We are tripartite beings (spirit, soul and body) and as such, healing can touch all three areas, however the healing rooms is focused on physical healing and our focus is not on emotional healing or spiritual deliverance. For these, please contact your life group leader or email [email protected]. All are welcome, but you will need to register before arriving to ensure we are able to minister to everyone who attends.

There is no cost for the healing rooms, but those who wish to make a donation to the Neuma Church Healing Rooms can do so at neuma.church/give by selecting 'other' and writing 'healing rooms' in the description.


Healing Rooms are located at our Neuma Church Melbourne City location at 10 Griffith St, Richmond.


Healing Rooms are open the first Saturday of the month. 

(Please note that Healing Rooms will not be running when we are running larger all-church events)


We recommend you arrive with plenty of time to park and leave yourself time to experience God to the fullest, the Healing Rooms experience takes 3 hours and runs from 9am-12pm.


1. Register (registrations will open the week before), wait for the confirmation email and the allocated check in time of your visit.


2. Check-In in the foyer at your allotted time on Saturday.  

Here you will meet your host who will escort your group through the following stages:


3. Encountering the Healer – this is a group experience before you enter the sanctuary where a clear foundation of theology about the healing power of Jesus is laid. The Holy Spirit is here and we believe that in this space there is already healing power at work.


4. You will then be lead into the sanctuary to worship and experience God’s presence until your group is called. We know that many will be healed under the sound of worship.


5. Next you will receive prayer from one of our teams who are ministering in pairs within the sanctuary.


6. Before you leave, you will learn about walking in God’s best for your health and have the opportunity to record your testimony.


Did Jesus heal you during your

visit to the Healing Rooms?


We would love to invite you to

share your testimony here!

Interested in joining the Ministry Team?

Scan the QR code below and

fill out an interest form.


SOZO Ministry

Inner healing and connection with the Trinity.



Below are counselling centres that we at Neuma Church have worked with:


Newtracks Counselling (Lower plenty) – Newtracks.com.au

My Psychology Matters (Frankston) – Mypsychologymatters.com.au

Freedom Couples Counselling (Fitzroy North) – Freedomcouplecounselling.com

Abundant Life Counselling (Mt Evelyn) – Abundantlifecounselling.com.au

Total Wellbeing Counselling Centre (Doncastor) – Totalwellbeing.com.au

Karinya Counselling Centre (Glen Waverly) – Karinyacounselling.com.au


Pastoral Care

If you are part of our Neuma Church family, our Pastoral Care team can provide pastoral support with cases of death in the immediate family, physical illnesses/accidents, relational issues, legal matters and mental health.


You can contact them at  [email protected] or by calling (03)84200900 on Tuesday to Friday and Sunday and asking to speak to one of our Pastoral Care team members.