About Us

Neuma Church has a heritage of planting churches, saving souls, engaging in global mission, equipping believers for ministry and moving in the power of the Holy Spirit. To this day, Neuma Church is an apostolic lighthouse that continues to advance God’s Kingdom across the nations.

Our Mission

To advance God’s Kingdom across the nations.

Our Kingdom Culture Values

Am I growing in awareness of His presence?

His Presence Is Our Priority

Exodus 33:15-16

Prayer Fuels Power

Have you prayed about it?

Mark 9:29
God's Word Is Our Foundation

What does God’s word say about that?

Matthew 4:4
Making Disciples Is Not Optional

Who are you discipling?

Matthew 28:18-20
Miracles Are Normal

Is the supernatural a part of my daily experience?

Acts 1:8
Love Gives Generously

Am I growing in generosity?

John 3:16
Freedom Is A Responsibility

How am I stewarding my freedom?

Galatians 5:13
Church Is A Covenant Family

Am I growing in a sense of belonging?

Acts 2:44
Honour Affirms Value

Am I celebrating people for who they are, not stumbling over who they’re not?

Matthew 10:40